Sunday, May 17, 2009

The End and the Beginning!

Hi, my name is Maggie and this is my very first post on my first blog! I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to accomplish or what this might turn into, but I'm just going to see what happens. I've been very stressed for really the last several years and am looking for a new way to relieve stress. I love food, nutrition, laughing, and hope to someday help solve the body image problems so many women and girls in America are suffering from right now. Body image is a subject that is very near and dear to my heart after struggling with mine for several years. Right now there are so many things going on in my life! For example, today I had to call the police because my landlord threatened me on my front porch because his sign blew over, and yesterday I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Political Science! I find both of these things to be pretty scary. Hopefully this blog will help me make the big transition from college student to real person! The adventure begins!

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